
What To Do in A Dental Emergency

Some dental issues can take a while to start showing symptoms. A dental emergency, however, can happen at any time, usually without warning. If you do find yourself faced with a dental emergency, knowing what to do can significantly improve your ability to recover well from it. 

Our emergency dentists at Boon Dental are experienced and well-equipped to handle a dental emergency. In this article, we share information on what constitutes a dental emergency and what to do if you’re experiencing one.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

There are a few dental issues that need urgent professional dental care. Some dental emergencies are obvious, for example a knocked-out tooth. However, there are other dental emergencies less obvious that can be mistaken for something that is safe to “wait”. 

If you experience any of the below, you need to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible: 

  • A knocked out or loose tooth (adult/permanent tooth)
  • A chipped, cracked or otherwise damaged tooth
  • Bleeding that is hard to stop 
  • Severe and ongoing toothache
  • Any signs of infection (swelling, fever, etc)
  • Cysts or abscesses

In a healthy, normal state, you should not experience tooth pain. If you do, it’s usually a sign of something not right. Dental emergencies like the ones mentioned above should not be ignored. Ignoring a dental emergency can lead to far worse damage and a long-term negative impact on your oral health.

What To Do in A Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies need attention from an emergency dentist. However, they also need first aid in the interim. Knowing how to appropriately respond, in the immediate instance, to a dental emergency is essential. Below are a few of the most common dental emergencies and some tips on how to respond effectively. 

Knocked-Out Tooth

Should a child have one of their baby teeth knocked out, there should be a permanent tooth to grow into its place within time. However, as an adult, having a tooth knocked out can be a little more stressful. Thankfully, an emergency dentist can save a knocked out tooth in cases – but, time and the correct first aid is of the essence! 

If you have a tooth knocked-out, follow these steps:

  • Try to find and retrieve your knocked-out tooth 
  • Call your Wentworth Point emergency dentist and tell them you have had a tooth knocked out so they can book you in for an emergency appointment.
  • If you have your tooth, ensure you only handle it by the crown (the top part). The root contains the cells that are essential for any chance of reattachment and they are easily susceptible to damage.
  • Gently clean any dirt or debris off your tooth. Do this in a container of still water rather than under a stream of flowing water.
  • If you can, try to place your tooth back in its socket. You can then palace a piece of gauze of clean cloth over the top of it and bite down on it gently to hold your tooth in place.
  • If you are unable to place your tooth back in its socket, store it in a small container of your saliva or some milk. This will help keep it clean and prevent it drying out.  
  • Head to your emergency dentist as soon as possible. Generally, you need to be there within 30 minutes if your tooth is to be saved. 
Loose Tooth

If one of your (adult) teeth has become loose or moved out of its position, an emergency dentist may be able to fix it back into place. 

If you have a loose tooth, follow these steps:

  • Call your Ropes Crossing emergency dentist to make an emergency appointment and let them know that one of your teeth has become loose. 
  • Gently try to move your tooth back into position. It’s important to use minimal force as you need to avoid your tooth coming out completely.
  • Until you can get to your emergency dentist, place some gauze or clean cloth over your loose tooth and bite down on it gently to try hold it in place.
Chipped, Cracked or Broken Tooth

Unfortunately, if you break your tooth, your dentist won’t be able to put it back together. However, they may be able to save your tooth through restoration. In cases of severe damage, an emergency dentist may need to extract your tooth. Extraction is a last resort and will only be done for the sake of your overall oral health, when all other avenues have been exhausted. 

If you have chipped, cracked or otherwise damaged one or more of your teeth, follow these steps:

  • Use some warm water to gently rinse your mouth out. 
  • Reduce any swelling by placing an ice pack on the outside of your cheek close to the site.
  • Call your emergency dentist and arrange for an urgent appointment for them to assess the damage to your tooth and treat it suitably. 
Abscesses, Ulcers and Cysts

If you notice sores in your mouth, red or tender lumps in your gums or persistent bleeding, you need to see an emergency dentist. These are all warning signs of possible infection. Your emergency dentist can identify the issue and see you have the treatment you need as soon as possible.

Missing filling or crown

If your cap or crown were to fall off, your inner tooth could be exposed to bacteria and infection, which can be pretty painful at best. Don’t endure the pain and risk losing the tooth, give us a call to get urgent dental care right away.

How Boon Dental Can Help You

Not all dental practices can operate around the clock. However, at Boon Dental, our emergency dentists are available 24/7, offering you ultimate peace of mind. The sensitive nature of dental emergencies need prompt professional attention. Putting treatment off until the next convenient time or muscling over the pain with painkillers is not recommended. 

At our well-resourced facilities, our qualified dental professionals are equipped to handle all dental emergencies that may arise. Our team is gentle and compassionate and do all they can to ensure your comfort at all times. 

If you’re faced with a dental emergency in Wentworth Point, Ropes Crossing or surrounds, contact us! We’re here to help you, day or night. 

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