Dental Clinic

All You Need to Know About Dental Crowns: Benefits and Procedure

Your smile is a powerful asset – it lights up your face and connects you with the world, but what if your teeth are damaged, discoloured, or weakened? Whether it’s a result of a large cavity, a fracture, or even after a root canal treatment, dental crowning is a go-to solution. It is a reliable and standard procedure designed to restore your teeth’s functionality and aesthetics. A dental crown acts as a protective shield, encapsulating the damaged tooth to prevent further deterioration. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need about dental crowns – their benefits, the procedure, and how they can transform your oral health and aesthetics.

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown, also known as a tooth crown or dental cap, is a custom-made dental restoration designed to cover a damaged, decayed, or weakened tooth. These crowns cover the visible portion of the tooth above the gum line, restoring its shape, size, strength, and functionality. Crafted from various materials, dental crowns are created to mimic the natural appearance of your teeth while providing vital protection and support.

Common Dental Conditions Requiring Dental Crowns

Your teeth are tough, but life has its way of throwing curveballs. When your teeth have trouble, dental crowns come as problem-solvers. They fix many tooth problems and make your teeth strong again. 

Let’s learn about some common tooth problems that need crowns:

Tooth Decay:  

Tooth decay happens when the outer layer of your tooth, called the enamel, gets damaged by bacteria and acids. This can create holes or cavities in your teeth. If the decay is caught early, a dentist can usually fix it with a dental filling. But sometimes, the decay can become more serious and affect a larger part of your tooth. In these cases, a dental filling might not be enough. This is where dental crowns come in. A dental crown helps to stop the decay from getting worse and prevents the tooth from breaking.  

Cracked or Fractured Teeth:

Sometimes, teeth can crack or fracture due to accidents, injuries, or even biting on hard things. When this happens, it can be painful and worrisome. A dental crown can be a great solution for cracked or fractured teeth. It’s like a helmet that goes over the cracked tooth. This cover protects the tooth from further damage and holds it together. It’s like putting a cast on a broken bone to help it heal.

Root Canal Treatment:

A toothache or deep cavity might necessitate a root canal treatment. This treatment involves cleaning and filling the infected area to alleviate pain and preserve the tooth. As the procedure can weaken the tooth, a dental crown is often added to reinforce and shield it, enabling normal biting and chewing without concerns. 

Misshapen or Discoloured Teeth:

If you have an oddly shaped or severely discoloured tooth, a crown can give it a new lease on life, restoring its appearance and blending seamlessly with your smile.

Missing Teeth:

When you have a missing tooth, it can affect your smile and how you chew your food. Dental crowns play a role in solving this problem when combined with dental bridges or implants.

Types of Dental Crowns: Exploring Your Crown Options

Regarding dental crowns, one size certainly doesn’t fit all. The world of dentistry offers a variety of crown materials, each with its unique set of benefits and considerations. Let’s dive into the diverse types of dental crowns available, so you can make an informed choice that best suits your oral needs.

Porcelain Crowns (All-Ceramic Crowns)

Porcelain crowns are tooth-shaped caps crafted from a ceramic material to cover damaged or weakened teeth. They match natural tooth colour, offering aesthetic restoration. These crowns enhance strength and appearance while preserving function, making them popular in cosmetic and restorative dentistry.

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are dental restorations made from dental-grade ceramics that mimic natural teeth’s colour and appearance. They enhance a damaged tooth’s strength and aesthetics, providing durable protection while blending seamlessly with surrounding teeth.

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns, often made of alloys like gold or other metals, are valued for their strength and durability. While their metallic appearance may not be as discreet as other options, they are well-suited for back teeth where aesthetics are less concerned.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

Combining the strengths of porcelain and metal, PFM crowns balance aesthetics and durability. The inner metal structure provides stability, while the outer porcelain layer ensures a natural look, making them suitable for front and back teeth.

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are lauded for their exceptional strength, making them an ideal choice for molars and teeth that require significant biting force. These crowns are crafted from zirconium dioxide, a durable and biocompatible ceramic material. They are known to withstand wear and tear and are less likely to chip or break. Zirconia crowns offer natural-looking aesthetics while providing lasting protection and functionality. 

Each type of dental crown comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, and the best choice for you depends on factors like the location of the tooth, your aesthetic preferences, and your overall oral health. 

At Boon Dental, we take pride in offering the finest quality dental crowns. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every crown we provide is meticulously crafted using advanced materials and techniques. With a focus on both durability and aesthetics, we strive to deliver the best possible outcome for each patient’s unique needs. 

Benefits of Dental Crowns:

Following are the benefits dental crowns bring to the table, from restoring functionality to enhancing the beauty of your smile.

Dental Restoration

When a tooth is compromised due to damage, decay, or other issues, a dental crown steps in to bring it back to life, it restores the tooth’s original shape and functionality, allowing you to bite, chew, and speak without worry.

Strength and Protection

Cracked, fractured, or weakened teeth can be vulnerable to further damage. Dental crowns act as protective shields, encasing the damaged tooth and preventing it from breaking or deteriorating.

Improving function

Teeth that have lost shape or size can disrupt your bite alignment, leading to discomfort while chewing. Crowns help restore proper alignment, ensuring your bite functions smoothly and efficiently. 

Enhancing Smile

Discoloured, misshapen, or uneven teeth can impact your smile aesthetics. Dental crowns are like smile makeovers – they cover imperfections, creating a seamless, beautiful appearance that harmonises with your natural teeth. 

Provide Support

Dental crowns play a pivotal role in supporting other dental procedures. They anchor dental bridges that replace missing teeth and cover dental implants, completing the restoration process.

Long-Lasting Solutions

With proper care and maintenance, dental crowns can last for many years, providing a durable solution to your dental concerns.

Dental Crown Procedure

Let’s examine each step of the dental crown procedure, revealing the expertise and precision involved in crafting and applying a dental crown:

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

The journey begins with a consultation. Your dentist assesses your tooth’s condition and discusses your concerns. X-rays may be taken to determine the extent of damage and the need for a crown.

Tooth Preparation

The damaged tooth is reshaped to ensure a snug fit for the crown. This step is performed under local anaesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. 

Taking Impressions

Impressions of your prepared tooth are taken. These impressions guide the creation of your custom-made crown, ensuring that it fits perfectly and blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. A temporary crown is placed over your tooth until the permanent crown is ready. 

Final Crown Placement

Once your permanent crown is ready, you return to the dental office for the final step. Your dentist removes the temporary crown and carefully places the permanent crown over your prepared tooth. The crown’s fit, bite, and appearance are evaluated. Once everything is confirmed, the crown is permanently bonded to your tooth using dental cement.

Aftercare and Maintenance of Dental Crowns

After getting a new crown, proper aftercare, and maintenance are essential to ensure your dental crown continues to shine and serve you well. Here’s a guide to help you keep your crowned tooth in its best shape:

  • Avoid biting down on hard objects or using your teeth as tools.
  • Maintain a diligent oral hygiene routine. Brush and floss regularly, and consider using a non-abrasive toothpaste to prevent scratching the crown’s surface.
  • Don’t skip dental appointments. Regular check-ups allow your dentist to monitor the crown’s condition and address any issues promptly.
  • Limit consumption of staining substances like coffee, tea, and tobacco to prevent discoloration.

Protect Your Smile with Dental Crowns

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of dental crowns, it’s time to put it into action. If you’re facing dental challenges like decay, cracks, discoloration, or missing teeth, and you’re ready to embrace the transformative power of dental crowns, we’re here to help. Contact Boon Dental to discuss your concerns and explore the ideal crown solution tailored just for you. Let your smile shine brighter than ever before!