
Straightening Your Smile with Invisalign

At Boon Dental, we know how much the appearance of one’s smile can affect their confidence. A few decades ago, treatment for straightening your smile was limited to metal braces. But since Invisalign became available, millions of people now enjoy a straight smile. 

In this article, we share a bunch of information about straightening your smile with Invisalign and how Boon Dental can help you! 

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular modern method of straightening your teeth. Its popularity soared as people discovered this effective teeth straightening method that comes without the embarrassment and discomfort associated with wearing traditional wire braces. 

Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that are worn for around 22 hours per day over a period. They gradually move your teeth into their new position. The clear aligners fit over the top of your teeth and are virtually invisible. They are also removable, unlike their traditional metal counterparts. The aligners are made from impressions of your mouth and computer-generated images of your new and improved smile. 

The Issues It Fixes

Invisalign has the potential to fix a range of dental issues. It’s important to note though, that every case is unique and whether Invisalign is right for you will depend on several factors. Below are some of the common dental issues we can correct with Invisalign at Boon Dental: 

  • Crooked teeth 
  • Overbite (upper front teeth overlapping lower front teeth)
  • Underbite (lower front teeth overlapping upper front teeth)
  • Teeth overcrowding
  • Gaps between teeth

The Benefits

Invisalign provides many benefits over other teeth straightening options. Below are some of the main reasons patients turn to us for Invisalign treatment: 


Let’s face it – Invisalign is an effective way of straightening teeth for many people. The results Invisalign generates and its global popularity, speak for themselves. 

Virtually Invisible 

Very few people will notice you’re straightening your teeth. This is because the aligners are hardly noticeable in your mouth. So, Invisalign is a great treatment option for adults who don’t want to inhibit their lifestyle or affect their appearance with traditional braces.


Invisalign uses smooth, clear aligners which fit over the top of your teeth without much fuss. No metal, no wires, no brackets. This makes for a much more comfortable straightening process. If you lead an active lifestyle, you may find this especially beneficial.


An attractive feature of the Invisalign process is the convenience it offers. As your clear aligners are removable, eating, drinking and maintaining good oral health are simple. The process also requires far less time in the dental chair throughout, making it perfect if you’ve got a tight schedule. 

Uses Modern Technology 

Invisalign uses the latest in software, 3D and manufacturing technology. This allows for a higher degree of accuracy and predictability. With Invisalign, you can even test drive your new smile before you begin your treatment! 

The Process

As with any dental procedure or treatment, the process may differ from one patient to the other. But generally speaking, here’s what the Invisalign process looks like: 

Initial Consultation 

At this point, your dentist can help you decide if Invisalign is the right treatment option for you. They will provide you with all the information you need to decide with confidence. This consultation allows you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and helps you understand the associated costs. 

Imaging & Impressions 

If you decide Invisalign is for you, the next step is having your x-rays and photographs done. The combination of these images provides your dentist with the framework on which to base your teeth straightening. The final part of this step is taking impressions of your mouth and teeth for a starting point for your aligner moulds.


In some cases, your dentist may apply little composite patches to your teeth. These help your aligners grip and move your teeth into their new position and are easily removable at the end of your treatment. Sometimes, interproximal reduction may be needed too. It sounds complicated, but it isn’t. It involves the gentle sanding away of enamel between your teeth, making space for future movement without restriction. 

Initial Fitting

Once your clear aligners are ready, you’ll visit your dentist for your fitting. Your dentist may try a few different trays until you are both 100% happy with the fit. At this point in the process, it is normal for your aligners to feel strange in your mouth. They need to be tight to kick start the realignment process, but not painfully so. 

Adjusting To Changes 

The realignment process brings about a series of changes and mild discomforts. These are discomforts are totally normal. This is especially true in the early days of wearing your Invisalign trays and in the days following a change/update of aligners. 

In some cases, increased tooth sensitivity may be experienced. However, this normally subsides within a few days of beginning the Invisalign process. 

Changing Your Aligners 

Your dentist will give you the specific instructions for changing your aligners. Generally, you can expect this to happen every one or two weeks. Your dentist will monitor your straightening progress and reduce or extend this time as needed. Each new set of aligners begins the next “phase” of your straightening process. Each new set of aligners is one step closer towards your smile goals!

Straightening Your Smile With Boon Dental 

Are tired of avoiding smiling because of the appearance of your smile? At Boon Dental, we believe life is too short to not smile at every opportunity! So, we have several cosmetic dental treatments available for straightening your smile.

If you’re looking to straighten your smile in Wentworth Point or Ropes Crossing, we can help you! Our experienced dental team has many years of experience and have helped many patients transform their smiles. 

Why wait to smile with confidence? Contact our friendly team today to get started with straightening your smile! 

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