
5 Best Ways on How To Whiten Stained Veneers

Do you have discoloured or broken teeth? Or maybe a chipped tooth or gap between your teeth has been bothering you for some time. Then dental veneers may be the solution for you!

Dental veneers offer a long term, cost-effective way to repair your smile with only one or two in-clinic visits. They give instant results, allowing you to choose the shade you want with various options available to repair your smile according to your budget, durability and aesthetic requirements.

Want to find out more? Read on to find out more about what veneers are, their types and how to whiten veneers to keep your smile looking beautiful.

What are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells of porcelain, ceramic, or composite material that bond to your natural teeth, covering minor imperfections such as chips, gaps, unevenness and stains. They also improve bite and speech, functioning like natural teeth without any eating or drinking limitations. With the right aftercare, dental veneers can last for 5 to 10 years, depending on their material.

There are two types of dental veneers:

Composite Veneers

Resin-based composite is commonly used for dental veneer. There are two types of composite veneers, direct or indirect, depending on the application process. The typical average lifespan of the composite veneer is 5-7 years, with no difference in the longevity of direct or indirect composite veneer.

Direct composite veneers are performed by applying the chosen composite resin directly onto your teeth in-clinic. Hence, the procedure is completed in one visit. It begins with  the removal of a thin layer of enamel, if necessary. Resin is applied to the teeth and shaped by the dentist, adjusting and layering to get the desired look and hardened using high intensity light.

Unlike direct composite veneers, indirect composite veneers are fabricated outside the mouth in the lab by taking a mould of your teeth and are attached to the prepared teeth with dental adhesive. Typically, indirect composite veneers require two appointments with one to two weeks apart, but can often provide better aesthetic outcomes over direct composite veneers. 

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are made of a thinner porcelain, being more natural looking and durable. Similar to indirect composite veneers, they are made out of the clinic with a mould of your teeth and take about a week or 2 to prepare. You’re given temporary veneers to wear while your veneers are being crafted.  Porcelain veneers have a lifespan of 10 years or more depending on how well you care for them.

Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers because of their longer lifespan and application time. They are also stain resistant and less prone to breakage, giving you superior results than composite veneers.

Do Veneers Stain?

Since composite veneers are made of resin material, they can become discoloured over time. This is why regular brushing and flossing with dental hygiene is recommended to ensure your veneers last longer. Educating yourself on overall oral health and caring for your veneers, be it porcelain or composite, ensure they last longer and stay whiter.

Can You Whiten Stained Veneers?

Veneers cannot be whitened with at-home or professional teeth whitening treatments. Using whitening treatments on veneers will only result in affecting your natural tooth colour, causing an uneven tone to your teeth.

The only option to remove deep stains is to consult your dentist to help guide you and get a replacement. It is also recommended to practise good oral hygiene and preventive oral care to help maintain the colour of your veneers and make them last longer.

Factors that Contribute to the Staining of Veneers

The most significant factor in the likelihood of staining is the type of veneer. Due to being non-porous and strong, porcelain veneers do not stain. Composite veneers, on the other hand, discolour a lot easier than ceramic and porcelain veneers, with your lifestyle and eating habits playing a significant role in keeping cleaner looking veneers.

Some of the things that can play a part in staining veneers include:

Dietary Habits

Coloured food and drinks and tobacco products are the main culprits to stained veneers. Natural teeth are porous and can absorb the colour of your drink. Tobacco stains from smoking can darken your gumline and change the colour of your veneers to yellow or brown.

Your Age

Yellow dentin inside your natural teeth becomes more visible as you get older. This discolouration affects both your teeth and your veneers. This is why it’s imperative to maintain good oral hygiene and get regular dental checkups.

Age of Veneers

Veneers, especially composite veneers, wear down with time and become more susceptible to staining. Consult your dentist to find out if replacements are needed. 

 How to Whiten Stained Veneers?

Dental veneers can’t be whitened because they are shell-like coverings permanently bonded to your teeth. The only way to keep your dental veneers from staining is preventive care, good oral hygiene and routine dental checkups.

You can also follow these 5 tips to keep your veneers whiter and stain-free:

Use Soft Tip Bristles When Brushing

A softer brush is essential. You can control the brush’s intrusiveness with your hand’s force. If you’re careful, it’s possible to brush your teeth from many different angles. Take your time and consider getting a handheld dental mirror. Aim to brush twice daily and ideally time it once after breakfast and once at bedtime.

Stay Away from Toothpaste with Baking Soda

Baking soda in toothpaste contributes toward the staining of veneers. Therefore, stay away from any toothpaste that contains baking soda. Instead, consider using fluoride toothpaste to reduce dental erosion, clean your teeth, and whiten your veneers.

Stop Over-using Whitening Gels

Whitening gels might clear up stains in the near term, but the long-haul effect is problematic. In addition, many contents of whitening gels are too invasive and can affect the surface roughness and colour stability of composite veneers.

Visit Your Dentist for Professional Cleaning.

Get Your Veneers Replaced

When is the right time to get your veneers replaced? You should consider getting new veneers if yours persistently stain, affect your bite, or become cracked, damaged, or loose. 

Make Your Veneers Stain-Free Today!

Keeping your dental hygiene in check is very important. Undoubtedly, it’s challenging to keep your diet perfect and always brush and floss at the correct times of the day. But, you must do your best to keep up your dental health.

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